Project detail

LEDs and the worldwide market for connected lighting

CSIL report on “LEDs and the worldwide market for connected lighting” is the ideal prosecution of nine previous editions of “LEDs and the worldwide lighting market” (2010-2018) and “LEDs and the worldwide lighting market (and Beyond) “(2019).
The report is based on 200+ interviews with lighting fixtures manufacturers worldwide, statistical data and 30-year experience of CSIL in the lighting fixtures industry. It includes an analysis of main destinations (such as residential/consumer, hospitality, retail, office, institutional, healthcare, art and museum, industrial, hazardous environment, architectural outdoor lighting, street and tunnel lighting); distribution channels (projects, specialists, lifestyle, DIY, wholesalers, e-commerce); profitability (EBITDA, ROE, ROI) for around 50 players; market shares of top 50 players for LED lighting and by segment.
The geographical classification includes 70 monitored countries worldwide, including EU27, plus the UK, Norway and Switzerland.

Year: Since 2020 (newest edition: November 2021)
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