CSIL report on “LEDs and the worldwide market for connected lighting” is the ideal prosecution of nine previous editions of “LEDs and the worldwide lighting market” (2010-2018) and “LEDs and the worldwide lighting market (and Beyond) “(2019).
The report is based on 200+ interviews with lighting fixtures manufacturers worldwide, statistical data and 30-year experience of CSIL in the lighting fixtures industry. It includes an analysis of main destinations (such as residential/consumer, hospitality, retail, office, institutional, healthcare, art and museum, industrial, hazardous environment, architectural outdoor lighting, street and tunnel lighting); distribution channels (projects, specialists, lifestyle, DIY, wholesalers, e-commerce); profitability (EBITDA, ROE, ROI) for around 50 players; market shares of top 50 players for LED lighting and by segment.
The geographical classification includes 70 monitored countries worldwide, including EU27, plus the UK, Norway and Switzerland.