News & Events

23 July 2024

New study on SMEs and Open Strategic Autonomy

We have recently completed a new study on Open Strategic Autonomy (OSA) and its impact on SMEs in the European economy, conducted for the European Commission’s DG GROW in partnership with IDEA Consult, PPMI, and LSE Consulting.

This study analysed the implications of OSA for SMEs, the extent and manner in which SMEs are involved in strategic industries and technologies, and how their involvement could be improved to secure the success of the OSA goals.

OSA is becoming a pervasive concept in many EU policies, including trade industrial, defence and security and research policies. While OSA initiatives often focus on large companies and “national champions” with the capacity to compete globally, the participation of SMEs can help build more resilient and diversified supply chains.

Key highlights include:

  • Identification of potential risks and opportunities for SMEs under the OSA framework across the different industrial ecosystems.
  • Mapping policy measures in Member States, the EU and extra EU countries that support OSA and SMEs specifically.
  • Providing policy advice to strengthen the participation of European SMEs in strategic industries and technologies, considering SMEs’ important role in driving innovation and developing high-value products, services and technologies, boosting domestic production, diversifying supply sources, and enhancing export activities.

The results of this study have been incorporated into the newly published Annual Report on European SMEs 2023/2024.

Along with the final reports and annexes, we have also produced an infographic summarising the study’s main messages and action plan for an OSA that leverages SME capabilities to ensure more successful and sustainable EU policies.

🔗 Full study SMEs and Open Strategic Autonomy

Contact us if you want to know more or discuss the study’s findings with the project team.

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