Project detail

Evaluation of certain aspects of the New Legislative Framework

This study assessed the effectiveness, efficiency (focusing on the cost-benefit analysis), relevance, coherence, and EU-added value of certain aspects of the New Legislative Framework (NLF). The NLF provides a horizontal legal framework to support EU product legislation’s development and implementation.

The evaluation offered an informed and evidence-based assessment of the Better Regulation guidelines’ core criteria and, adopting a forward-looking dimension, considered the NLF’s fitness for purpose in light of evolving technological and digitalisation-related developments, the growing tendency towards smart products in an Internet of Things context, and increased regulatory pressures to include an environmental dimension in product legislation.

In delivering the evaluation work, CSIL applied its expertise in undertaking Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) following the Better Regulation Guidelines and utilising the Standard Cost Model (SCM).

Client: EU Commission - DG GROW
Client type: public
Year: 2021-2022
Consortium: CSES (leader), CSIL (partner)
this project