News & Events

9 February 2022

CSIL textile ecosystems study presented at the EU Industry days

CSIL participated in the EU Industry Days, Europe’s flagship annual event spotlighting industrial actors and ongoing policy discussions.

On 8 February 2022, CSIL researcher Francesca Guadagno contributed to a workshop on the Textiles Ecosystem in a panel made of EURATEX, the company WOJAS SA and CITEVE - Technological Centre for Textile and Clothing Industries in Portugal. Francesca presented the recently published study on "Data on the EU textile ecosystem and its competitiveness", commissioned by DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs.

The study's final report provides an assessment of opportunities and challenges faced by the EU textile ecosystem and the fashion industry regarding their competitiveness, innovation capacity, and economic relevance.

The workshop highlighted how the textile ecosystem is an asset for the EU – it generates value and innovation and showcases EU creativity and image. New challenges (import dependencies and job losses) need an urgent response. New opportunities – e-commerce and circularity – can turn the ecosystem around and become new sources of long-term competitiveness.

Read the study on Data on the EU textile ecosystem and its competitiveness

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